The 2014 Monroe County Home Show at the Bloomington Convention Center kicked of with the annual “Business After Hours” open house hosted by the Bloomington Chamber of Commerce. Business owners, government officials, home builders and Home Show exhibitors took time to celebrate the accomplishments of the Bloomington business community at what is annually one of the largest convention center events.
The evening concluded with the announcement of the Monroe County Building Association annual awards as selected by the membership. Jason Bell collected the Building Associate of the Year on behalf of The Vacuum Center, Ken Campenella of Poynter Sheet Metal received the President’s Award for his dedication to MCBA activities, and the award for Home Builder of the Year was accepted by Craig Bailey of Bailey & Weiler Design/Build.
The Monroe County Home Show is held each year in February at the convention center in Bloomington, Indiana. The show gives homeowners an opportunity to evaluate home products and suppliers, connect with architectural design experts, and discuss custom home and home renovation plans with potential building partners. The show boasts a family friendly atmosphere with activities for the children like face painting, bounce houses and woodworking projects, along with appearances by rising country music singer Clayton Anderson and the Indianapolis Colts cheerleaders.